Meet John Disterdick

Christian Athlete, Championship Boxer,

Rowing Champion and  Senior Olympian.

They who wait for the Lord

shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

Isaiah 40:1 ESV

Masters Boxing Champion

His name is John Disterdick and his reign in the Masters boxing division began in 2007. Eight years later he’s hanging up the gloves having won more boxing title belts than Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao put together.

Hard Work Leads To Success

His success came from hard work and determination. Though he’s retiring from the competition in the ring, it’s only one chapter in this champions book of life.

2018 Tennessee Senior Olympics Hall of Fame Inductee

Athletics has been a tool for me to overcome so many obstacles that life throws at all of us. 

~ John Disterdick

2018 Tennessee Senior Olympics Hall of Fame Inductee

More Content From John Disterdick


John is an all around athlete competing in various sports and athletic events at a local, state, and national level. Since the 1960s John has competed in Swimming, Boxing, Rowing, Cycling, and Track & Field events.


John has a background in acting and video production and is a member of the screen actors guild. He has starred in a movie production and has produced several commercial projects.

Video Production

John is an experienced video producer and can complete all aspects of a business production: Story Board/ Writing dialog/ Voice over/ Cinematography/ Still photos/ Music / Graphics and whatever else is necessary to communicate the message


A love for Jesus Christ and a desire to share the gospel with others is at the core of who John is. John continues to use athletics as a platform to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.


View pictures from John’s athletic career including his boxing, swim, cycling, and triathlon events.


Your cells are breaking down. Healthy lifestyle or not, no one escapes the consequences of age. Although you may feel well, the effects of cellular breakdown are sneaking up on you. Learn how to combat the breakdown of your cells with products from ASEA.

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